Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Holiday message in a great email

This email just lit up my face.

Hi Tyler Happy Holidays!
My name is Augusto and I attended the High Risk Driver Class on December 19th. I was truly touched to hear your story and everything you had to endure. I am so glad that there are people like you out there that can take a negative situation/event and turn it into a positive. What you are doing right now is truly remarkable and I encourage you to continue to send your message out in order to help others avoid making the same choices you have made.

I love your spirit and energy and I love your will to fight and live. My personal heroes are people like Lance Armstrong and you, who wake up everyday with the will to fight and live another day.

I belong to the mountaneering group Mazamas and the reason why I attended the class is because I was running late to a Mazamas meeting and I was stopped for speeding. Perhaps it was an omen or fate, but if you ever aspire to climb a mountain I would love to be a part of that challenge with you. Remember you can do anything you want in life!

I wish you the best and keep on fighting and spreading your message.

Happy Holidays and God bless


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