Monday, April 12, 2010

Joni: Big John's Driving School

Hey, my name is Joni.

i just wanted to say thanks a million for coming and talking to my drivers ed class at Big Johns yesterday! i know its something you do everyday, but i just wanted to let you know in all my life I've never heard a story that effected in me so much. everything you told us is still soaking in me and i am still just so amazed at what u went through..its an unbelievable story that people dont realize actually happens out there.

I have an aunt who had a stroke in 2006 and since then shes been handicapped. i grew up with her and we did everything together. now shes in a wheelchair and doesnt remember anything and its still hard for me this day, but i am no where close to knowing what u go through each day and it was amazing to me how strong u are after all thats happened, and i hope u know that yesterday when i left that class i knew that everytime i would get in my car, i would think of your story. you left a strong footprint in me that i know will always be there, and i want to thank you for that. you've come a long way in your life and to me it looks like it still is that way. take care and hang in there Tyler and thanks again. cant wait to check out your youtube video!


Here's the video on YouTube: Tyler's Story

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jessica: Big John's Driving School

Dear Tyler,
You came in to my Drivers Ed class, and spoke to us. I never got the chance to formally thank you for your kind words. You really touched my heart, and I will never forget you. I know you probably get this all the time, but you are an amazing person, and i'm glad you're alive. Like you said, you left a footprint in my life, and I will think of you, and pray for you. Good luck with everything.
Yours Truely,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Michelle: Big John's Driving School

More from the mailbox.

Hey Ty, I'm a student from Bob's class, #324. My name is Michelle. We talked for a little bit during the break. I was the one who told you about the nails in my ankle, though I'm not quite sure if you remember that or not, haha. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and hope that we can be friends. Your story really touched me, and a few times I almost wanted to cry. I'm also glad I'm not impulsive or else I would've ran up there and hugged you. So, yeah, I hope we can be friends and I hope you enjoy life to the fullest, because it is not something to be wasted :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Maria: Big John's Driving School

I have a regular gig speaking at Big John's Driving School. Each time it generates emails that let me know what i do is reaching people.

Hey Tyler,
This is Maria. You probably don't remember me, but you came to Big Johns driving school and talked to us about your life today April 9th. Everything you said really did hit me hard, and I think it's amazing how you've gone through life without any friends, and with so much pain, and you're still happy and energetic and you laugh at everything. It makes me feel bad because I do have friends and I've never gone through something like that, and I still seem to be ungrateful a lot of the time. I would just like to say, thank you for coming to Big Johns and talking with us, because you really are like a roll model to me. :) You're amazing, and you should really come back and talk to class #324 again sometime real soon. :) It was really nice meeting you.